Map of the Ruthcliffe on Lake Champlain in Vermont
New York & Points South:
Take New York Thruway to exit No. 24 ~ Follow directional signs
to Rte. 87 (Northway) ~ Take Northway exit No. 42 ~ Follow directional
signs to Rouses Point Bridge to Vermont ~ Follow Rte.2 through
Alburg Village. Look for Isle La Motte signage on right-take
right ~ Follow Lake Shore Road to Isle La Motte Bridge ~ Cross
over and keep straight on the main road for 4.2 miles ~ Look
for Ruthctiflfe sign on right ~ Turn left at sign, bear left
to the end of the road.
From Montreal: Take Route 15 South to Rt. 87 to exit
42 ~ Follow directional signs to Rouses Point Bridge to Vermont
(Rt. 2) ~ From here, follow above directions to Ruthcliffe Lodge.
From Burlington: Take I-89 North to Exit 17 ~ Take Rte
2 West through the Islands - Left at Rte. 129 ~ Follow for 2.5
miles until Isle La Motte Bridge ~ Cross over bridge & refer
to above directions to Ruthcliffe Lodge. |